Concrete Cracks

Why concrete slabs crack and what to do about it

Not all foundation cracks are the same. Some are benign, while others point to serious structural damage.

If you mistake a hazardous foundation crack for a dormant one, you’re risking the structural integrity of your home.

That’s why, at Helitech Waterproofing & Foundation Repair, we offer free estimates where we will take a look at your foundation for signs of damage.

Don’t wait to fix your foundation.

Cracks wider than 1/16″ indicate structural damage. Cracks less than 1/64″ wide can let water and termites through.

Cracks in concrete slabs: When you should worry

Generally speaking, there are two types of cracks in concrete—dormant and active. Active cracks are characterized by change, either directionally orin size and width, and are the more dangerous of the two. Dormant cracks are typically benign, though you should measure them periodically for changes in depth, size or direction.

You should call in the foundation experts at Helitech to inspect any and all active foundation cracks. L-shaped cracks that develop into a stair-stepped crack, or horizontal cracks that double in size warrant inspection by an experienced structural engineer.

If you have an active foundation crack, give us a call. We’ll give you a fair estimate based on the severity of the crack and the repair required.

Common Types of Cracks in Concrete Slabs and their Implications

Type of Crack Description Implication
Horizontal Cracks of any width or length that run left to right Your foundation wall is nearing complete failure. Likely, helical piles will be required to prevent concrete from cracking in the future.
Vertical Cracks of any width or length that run top to bottom Less severe vertical cracks can be fixed with an epoxy resin injection. More severe types of vertical cracks in concrete require long-lasting structural solutions.
Stair-Stepped Cracks in a wall with a stair-stepped pattern A shift in the footing of your foundation. The type of repair required depends on the severity of the crack.
Map Cracking A web of small cracks in the concrete Typically, these are surface cracks and are at most a cosmetic blemish. They should be monitored for growth or change.
Hairline Cracks Narrow, but deep, cracks Due to the depth of hairline cracks, water damage is a concern.
Spalling Deep surface cracks which follow the direction of the reinforcement bars (rebar) Usually caused by rebar corrosion due to the presence of excess water

We’ll give you, the homeowner, a free quote for your foundation repair.

We’ll get back to you with a cost-effective solution.

5 star(s)

Brad G.

Farmington, MO

This was a fantastic experience. Justin and Aaron were on time, completed the work requested, seeded the entire yard, watered the whole yard, cut down 2 trees and stacked the firewood, babysit my granddaughters while I took a nap and offered to fix supper for us. They were very professional, work was completed as promised and they went above and beyond. I will recommend your company to anyone who will listen. Thanks again!!!!

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