Why Foundations Fail

Why Foundations Fail

Foundation problems can lead to cracked walls, stair-step brickwork, uneven floors, and a variety of other issues, depending upon the severity of the foundation failure.

This is why it is so important to address any foundation issue right away. Foundation problems are more common than you may think and can occur for many reasons.

Improper Drainage

You may have heard that downspouts should be extended at least 10 feet away from your foundation. Do you know why? If water is too close to your foundation, it will wash away soil, leaving the foundation unsupported. Water can also cause the surrounding soil to shift and in turn, cause your foundation to shift or sink. Preventing these problems can easily be avoided if proper drainage is put in place when the foundation is being laid.

Expansive Soils

Different soil types will expand in periods of extreme moisture conditions and contract during periods of drought when there is no moisture in the soil. Both scenarios lead to foundation settling because of the inconsistent pressure.

Why Choose Helitech?

The good news is that foundation issues can be fixed. It is a very detailed process and something that should be left to the professionals. Whether the issue is caused by expansive clay, poor soil density, improper maintenance, or faulty construction, Helitech is here to help. With over 25 years experience in dealing with faulty and damaged foundations, we know the steps it takes to correct your foundation issue – once and for all.

Helitech offers free estimates on your foundation repairs.

Find out more about our pricing and available finance options for foundation repair.

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Paducah, KY

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Carbonbond Structural Systems Case Studies

Crack Repair Case Studies

Foundation Piering Case Studies

Wall Anchors Case Studies