The Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois Remodelers Council recently named Helitech Waterproofing & Foundation Repair of Belleville, Illinois, a 2015 Remodeler of Distinction in both the Foundation Renovation and Waterproofing Renovation categories, in recognition of their professional remodeling expertise. The award was given at the Home Builders Association Installation Banquet held recently in Fairview Heights, IL.
“Helitech Waterproofing & Foundation Repair is one our areas outstanding leaders in the remodeling industry,” said HBA President, Jeff Schmidt, with RLP Development “I’m honored to acknowledge this award for an industry leader who has shown such dedication to promoting consumer awareness, professionalism and community service.”
The HBA Remodelers of Distinction Awards were created to bring attention to the extraordinary work performed in the renovation side of the housing industry. A team of judges, professionals in the remodeling and design fields, carefully review entries in each category against tough criteria, considering workmanship, value to client, materials used, trades involved, innovative solutions and special conditions.
Waterproofing Project Description
A homeowner first noticed water coming into his basement and called us for a free inspection. After the initial inspection and estimate, we determined the surrounding soil was causing excessive settlement, shifting, and cracking of the foundation. The cracks were allowing water through and damaging the interior of his farm home. The entire project included excavation, replacing all four concrete basement walls, waterproofing system installation, beam installation, and pouring and finishing new concrete flooring.
The time frame required for the waterproofing portion of the project was four days. Since the entire project consisted of rebuilding the existing foundation, there was no need to drill and remove the original concrete. An entire new concrete floor was poured at the very end of the project to allow sufficient drying time.
Steps taken to accomplish the end result
After construction was completed of the new foundation walls, installation of the Hydraway 2000 Drainage System began. Since the original concrete flooring was already excavated, there was no need to drill concrete around the perimeter of the basement.
The Hydraway System uses a four-step process, consisting of Hydraway 2000 and Hydraway 300 products.
1. The first step was to roll out a double layer of Hydraway 2000 and insert it vertically, next to the foundation’s footing. The Hydraway 2000 is placed in this position as it is the lowest part in the house where water drains to. The Hydraway 2000 acts as a channel for the water to be drained out of the interior of the home.
2. Next, Hydraway 300 is placed on top of the footing and against the foundation wall in an L-shape. The Hydraway 300 is used to catch any water that may drain from the foundation wall and direct it to the Hydraway 2000 below. Hydraway 300 was also used to relieve any hydrostatic pressure against the new foundation walls.
3. A hole was dug out in the corner of the basement and placed inside was a sump pit container. The Hydraway 2000 connects to the sump pit and inside, the Hydrapump (sump pump) was installed.
4. The final step of the waterproofing portion of the project was to pour the entire concrete floor, on top of the drainage system.
Unique Products
Hydraway 2000 has a specially engineered design that permits high in-flow rates for rapid dewatering of soil, while effectively preventing passage of soil particles. It is made of a heavy-duty, clog resistant geotextile fabric, permanently bonded to lattice core of 75% available open space for water. The design of Hydraway allows it to relieve hydrostatic pressure by acting as a shallow underdrain. The Hydraway 2000 is a cost effective and superior performing replacement for the “French” drain, or other conventional “drain-tile” systems.
Hydraway 300 is a drain board system used to relieve hydrostatic pressure and capture any flowing water along subsurface structures, such as basement or crawlspace foundations, retaining walls, or civil applications.