Foundation Piering Repair in Rolla, MO

Your home’s foundation supports an entire structure. When it needs service, you should find a professional as soon as possible. Call an experienced team to diagnose and repair issues with your foundation in Rolla, MO.

Helitech Waterproofing & Foundation Repair has been working with homeowners like you since 1987. Our services protect your investment and keep your home in good condition. Choose us for structural pier installation services near Rolla and St. James, Missouri.

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Hopkinsville, TN Crawl Space Waterproofing and Repair

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Helitech proudly serves Rolla, St James, Cuba, Steelville, Salem, Licking, St Robert, and throughout Central Missouri.

Rolla, MO is serviced by our Central Missouri Office, located at 2898 State Hwy M Kingdom City, MO 65262

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Different Foundation Piering Solutions

Call Helitech for effective and permanent foundation piering repair services.

Helical Pier System Repairs in Rolla, MO

Highly reliable and trusted for its long history of success, Helitech’s Helical pier systems use spiral plates attached to a steel shaft, which are screwed deep into the soil to support homes with deep foundations. Made in the United States, our systems withstand your home’s weight and are built to last. 

Resistance Piers in Rolla, MO

Helitech uses a Resistance Piering System to stop foundation problems from getting worse and keep your home stable for years. These piles are strong pipes pushed deep into the ground to help fix homes and buildings that have settled because of poor soil or other issues. 

Slab Piers in Rolla, MO

Trust Helitech to install slab piers and stop your concrete slab from sinking. We drive a Helical anchor deep into the soil and attach a steel bracket to the concrete slab to lift it back to its original height. This method transfers the slab’s weight onto the piers, creating a stable foundation that prevents future sinking.

Advantages of Choosing Helitech for Service

When you hire a local waterproofing and foundation repair company, you have peace of mind because they understand the home repair issues you are experiencing. Our team of experts knows about the soil your foundation is built on because it’s the same foundation that our homes are built on. 

Helitech has decades of success stories that prove we are to your home repairs. Foundation underpinning services near Rolla, MO, require precision and attention to detail. When you choose Helitech to care for your home, you can rest assured that our fully licensed and insured contractors will care for your home as if it was their own.

Helitech is an 8X BBB Torch award winner, BBB Accredited, and A+ rated. Get the individualized attention you deserve from foundation piering experts in St. James, MO.


Foundation Piering Repair FAQs

Uneven floors, concrete and brick cracks, windows or doors that stick, or standing water in your basement or around your foundation can all be signs of significant structural damage that needs to be addressed. If you don’t address your foundation issues, they will only lead to more serious issues, such as bowed walls, water damage, and even structural failure.

Call the foundation repair experts at Helitech to get your free estimate today.

The cost to fix your foundation depends on many things, so it’s important for someone to check it in person to give you an accurate price. At Helitech, we know that foundation repairs can feel overwhelming, so our trained team explains everything clearly and helps you find the best plan for your home. 

With financing options available, we will work with you to find a solution to pay for the repairs. Our options include no Interest Option Financing, Traditional Installment Loans, Home Equity Lines of Credit, and full Refi’s. Explore Our Financing Options.

Contact Helitech to Request an Appointment

Does your home need pier and beam foundation repairs near St. James and Rolla, MO? 

Heal your home with Helitech! Submit a contact form to request an appointment with us today.


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