Resistance Piers

Helitech utilizes a Resistance Piering System to prevent foundation issues from becoming worse, and provide renewed stability for decades to come.

Helitech’s Resistance Piles are hydraulically pushed pipe segments used to restore and/or stabilize homes as well as commercial and industrial structures that have settled due to a wide variety of soil problems. Foundation settlement and movement can be caused by building on expansive clay or compressible/improperly compacted fill soils or by improper maintenance around foundations. Whatever the cause, settlement can destroy the value of structures and render them unsafe, thus the need for a cost-effective solution.

Resistance Piles, also known as push piles or jacked piles, are commonly used to remediate structural settlement. Resistance Piles are hydraulically driven to competent load bearing strata. The structure as the pile advances in the ground induces a reaction force. Once the pile has been installed to desired capacity, the pile is connected to the footing by installation of retrofit brackets, concrete haunch on needle beam.


Why Choose Push Piers?

Resistance Piers utilize the weight of the structure as its reaction system to drive or push the pipe pier sections into the soil. Properly installed, Resistance Piers can prevent settlement, stabilize foundations and nearly restore settled structures to their original positions, often closing structural defects such as cracks and deformities caused by the settlement. Selected by load requirements and soil and structural conditions, Resistance Piers offer a wide range of capacities that are engineered to best fit the requirements of a project cost effectively.


Resistance Piers vs. Screw Piles

There is no true place to draw the line when using Helical/Screw or Resistance Piers because there are many factors to consider. For instance, in some areas bedrock is further below the surface than others. In those cases, Helical Piers would be the best and most cost-effective solution. In other areas, bedrock is closer to the surface and easier to reach. In these instances, Resistance Piers would be recommended.

The only way to know which foundation repair application is the solution for your home would be to call an expert.

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Resistance Pier Advantages

  • Portable equipment allows for installation in areas of limited access
  • Immediate loading
  • Piers are individually load-tested during installation
  • No spoils to remove
  • No vibrations

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Happy with their work and happy that there is no water in the basement


Darleen S.

Nashville, IL, USA

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