Driveway Drainage Solved with Concrete Leveling in Springfield, IL

Location: Springfield, IL

Job Type: Concrete Leveling / Mudjacking

Homeowner Searches for Concrete Leveling in Illinois State Capital

A homeowner in Springfield, IL searched high and low for a professional concrete leveling contractor. He then contacted Helitech because of water in his basement. During the initial visit, it was apparent that the water was coming up over the top of the existing foundation. The homeowner showed the crew an area where water was coming in and water damage on interior framing.

Cracks in Homeowner’s Garage Leads to Complications

The problem wasn’t necessarily the home’s foundation, but that the driveway was tilted towards the house and was badly cracked. In addition, the adjoining neighbors behind him were elevated higher, which directed all of their water towards the problem house.

Springfield Concrete Removal and Replacement Contractor Finds Solution for Homeowner

Helitech removed the existing section of the driveway and replaced it with a new one sloping away from the house. Helitech also installed a grate alongside the house to catch water during a heavy storm. The crew removed a 16-inch section of the driveway along the side of the house and replaced it with new concrete that was curbed to send water down to the street faster.

The result was an effective solution that improved the flow of rainwater and improved the appearance of the property.

Scott made sure that I knew the scope of work and the length of time he and his crew would be working. He also gave me his advice on when I could do inside drywall repairs and outside tuckpointing. Nice job, Scott! Thanks!


Nice Sales Person

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